Wednesday, July 28, 2021

What to Do When Notarizing Office Lease Contract

What to Do When Notarizing Office Lease Contract -

Nowadays, the form of leasing space for office use is very popular. Before each rental transaction, both parties will agree on the terms and record them in the office lease contract. To ensure that the terms specified in the contract are certainly implemented, notarization is extremely necessary.

What is the notarization of the Office lease contract?

What is the notarization of the Office lease contract?
In daily life, we often hear about notarization a lot. So what exactly is notarization? According to the Law on Notarization issued in 2014, notarization is defined as follows:
Notarization is certifying the authenticity, legality, and non-violation of social ethics of a written contract or civil transaction. The notarization process will take place when an agency or organization voluntarily requests notarization This procedure can only be carried out by competent authorities. Usually notary office or a notary office.
Notarization of a contract confirms the legal validity of the terms. Accordingly, the commitments and agreements of the two parties will be guaranteed to be implemented by state power. Both parties to the transaction are required to comply with what the contract has stipulated. Any party in breach will be responsible for compensating the other party

Legal regulations on notarization of office lease contracts

Because notarization of office lease contracts is a matter directly related to the law. Therefore, our state has developed its own laws regulating notarization:

Law on Notarization 2014

This is the most complete legal document on the implementation of notarization procedures in Vietnam. Specifically, regarding the legal value of notarization, Article 5 of this Code provides as follows:

  • The notarized document takes effect from the date it is signed and stamped by a competent authority.
  • Notarized documents are valid for all related parties. When either party fails to comply with the contract, the other party has the right to request the Court to settle. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties to the transaction…
  • Notarized translations and copies have the same validity as original documents.

Civil Law 2015 on housing

With the procedure of notarizing office lease contracts, we also need to pay attention to the provisions of the Civil Law. Below is a summary of the provisions of Clause 2, Article 122 of this Code:

  • In case the organization donates a house, lends it, or stays with it, it is not required to notarize it.
  • The effect of the contract is agreed upon by both parties or, if not, starts from the time the contract is signed.
  • In special cases, you can also bring the contract to document or notarize.

Procedures for notarization of the office lease contract and document requirements

Procedures for notarization of the office lease contract and document requirements
Like other administrative procedures, the contract notarization also requires certain documents. Here is the basic paperwork you need to prepare:

  • The notarization request form, transaction documents are according to the available form. You can receive and telegraph this slip to the notary public.
  • Draft contracts and transaction documents. Before requesting notarization, this document must be signed by both parties.
  • Copy of identity document. At the same time, you must also prepare the original for comparison during the notarization process.
  • A copy of the certificate of ownership and use of land or a replacement document as prescribed by law.
  • Copies of other documents related to the contract or transaction required by law.

Note that the copy paper’s content must be complete and accurate as of the original and not authenticated.

Steps to notarize office lease contract

After carefully preparing documents, the next job is to conduct the notarization process. You need to understand the notarization process to avoid errors and save time. In addition, the notary should pay attention to the working time of the agencies. Notary practice establishments will be open to receive documents from Monday to Friday every week. Working time is from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Here is a standard procedure you can refer to:

Step 1: Submit your application
The unit requesting notarization will complete the documents and submit them to the notary practice establishment.

Step 2: Receive and check the application
About receiving applications. In case of indirect reception through the Receiving Department, the file will be returned to the Notary Public. In case the Notary Public directly receives the documents, he/she will examine the documents for notarization.

About checking records, there will be 3 cases:

  • The notarized application dossier is complete and satisfactory. The notary will accept and record it in the Notary Book
  • In case the notarized dossier is incomplete. The notary will write instructions and additional requests. In this form, there will be specific instructions on which documents need to be added and the date of submission. At the same time, the form also contains the name of the responsible Notary for your convenience.
  • In case the notarized document does not meet the legal requirements. The notary will explain the reason and refuse to accept the application. The notarization requester has the right to request the refusal procedure in writing. At this time, the notary will consult with the Head of the Department and prepare a written refusal.

Step 3: Draft and sign documents

  • In case the notarization requester has prepared the document. The notary will examine the draft of the document. If the draft document meets the requirements, the Notary Public will sign for certification. On the contrary, if the draft document fails, the Notary will guide the correction. If the party requesting notarization does not accept the correction, the Notary Public has the right to refuse notarization.
  • In case the notary drafts a document at the request of the notary public. The notarization requester will be present to confirm the information in the document is authentic. After considering the conditions, the notary will perform the notarization of the contract.

Step 4: Sign a notarized certificate of office rental contract

  • Notarization agencies require notarization requesters to present the originals of the papers as prescribed for comparison before recording testimonies.
  • The notary public signs each page of the contract. Then, transfer the service fee to the fee collection department of the notarial practice organization.

Step 5: Return the contract notarization result

The fee-collecting department of the notary-practicing organization shall complete the collection of fees, notary remuneration, and other expenses as prescribed.
The notary agency stamps and returns the dossier to the notarization requester.

Notes when notarizing the office lease contract

Notes when notarizing the office lease contract
Contract notarization is one of the most important legal procedures. After the document is notarized, it will be the basis to consider the obligations and interests of the two parties. This becomes even more meaningful in the event of a problem, which will be the basis for problem-solving. Therefore, you cannot be subjective in every step in the notarization process. Specifically, you should:

  • Learn more about the provisions of the Notary Law.
  • The consent of both parties must be witnessed by a third party.
  • Invite a private lawyer to participate in the agreement process between the two parties. This is the solution to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings due to not understanding the provisions of the law. In addition, the lawyer will be the person to ensure the legality of the transaction contract.
  • There is time to monitor, supplement and amend the terms of the contract. Both parties can agree on timelines to reach an agreement before going on a business trip.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, July 26, 2021

Should You Rent a Cheap Office in The Covid Pandemic

Should You Rent a Cheap Office in The Covid Pandemic -

a year office rent may increase or decrease according to market demand and supply. And there is also a time when the rental price may decrease further like during this covid pandemic.

Should I rent a cheap office in the Covid pandemic?

Should I rent a cheap office in the Covid pandemic?
Perhaps this is a concern of many customers because renting an office during the Covid pandemic is a big expense in business operations. In addition to cheap models such as shared offices and virtual offices, the cost of renting a professional one is quite high. To help you troubleshoot and relieve your worries, below would like to share some experiences to rent cheap office space during the Covid pandemic. With the current time of the Covid pandemic, many companies return the premises and this is also the right time for businesses to rent offices this pandemic. Usually, the price is cheap, there are many beautiful premises to choose from.

Experience of cheap office rental in Covid pandemic

To rent cheap office space but still meet the desired needs of the business is not easy. Therefore, below will help you find the most suitable one:

Determine the rental price

Usually, during this Covid pandemic, the rental price fluctuates a lot. So you need to thoroughly understand this market to determine how the company needs to rent an office? Location, how long to use? This is also an important step when looking for a place of business.

  • Objective: The company model you do business with will greatly influence this goal. If you are oriented to work in a professional, comfortable environment when welcoming customers and partners.
  • Area: Depending on the number of company employees, the purpose of use, you will find a suitable area, with this Covid pandemic, each person will have to be 2m apart. This is the minimum distance that everyone must follow during this Covid pandemic. Please choose the appropriate room area to make the most of the space
  • Location: Suburban districts or Grade C buildings are relatively cheap. But owning a “special” location right in the city center supports a lot of things to create a trust for customers and partners.

Determine the form of office rental

Currently, there are 2 office rental models: traditional and smart. Depending on the finance and needs of the business, they will choose to rent an appropriate translation.

Traditional office

Traditional office

This is a model that costs a lot of money and time for businesses. From renting premises, setting up all furniture, office equipment, meeting rooms, reception rooms…

Smart office

In the current Covid pandemic, the smart model is the best choice in this Covid pandemic. This is an extremely optimal office solution for startups, small and medium businesses. Using this model, businesses do not need to spend any money from renting premises, furniture, etc., and can use the entire space utility.

Choose option

This is a model to save maximum costs, personnel, time, and effort when newly established. Business owners can now focus on growing their business without having to worry about the office.

How to find an office rental address during the Covid pandemic?

You can contact LOOKOFFICE to find out if you can rent during the pandemic at this time. If you still have concerns about our services, please pick up the phone to get a dedicated consultant.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

A Step-by-step Guide To Company Office Relocation Procedures

A Step-by-step Guide To Company Office Relocation Procedures -

Moving an office (Relocation) is not just about finding a new location and then moving over. At the same time, you need to complete several legal procedures to ensure that the company’s business activities comply with the laws of the State.


Step 1. Submit the declaration to the tax office

When you change your business address, you should first declare it to the tax office that currently manages your business.
Regarding the dossier, Circular 80/2012/TT-BTC stipulates that the main dossier consists of a declaration form made according to form 08-DK-TCT, filled in manually with information about the change of address. But usually, Tax Departments often require businesses to submit 3 complete sets of documents as follows:

  • Minutes of the meeting on the transfer of headquarters
  • Decide to change the business address of the company
  • Notice of change of business address
  • Declaration for adjustment of tax registration according to form 08-DK-TCT
  • Copy of the company’s current business registration certificate
  • The report on the use of invoices at the tax office
  • Depending on the agency, a referral may be required for applicants

Step 2. Get the result from the tax authority

  • About 8 days after applying, you will receive the return result from the tax office (form 09-MST).
  • The results will inform the tax declaration and payment status of the business. At this point, your business needs to make the necessary declarations and fulfill all tax obligations.

Step 3. Submit an application to the business registration office about the change of company address

The next step that is extremely important when moving a company’s office (office relocation) is to convert the information in the business registration file.
The dossier includes:

  • Minutes of the meeting on the transfer of headquarters
  • Decide to change the business address of the company
  • Notice of change of business address, tax registration information
  • New business location documents proving the conditions of use (purchase/lease agreement)
  • Form 09-MST previously returned by the tax authority
  • Copy of old business registration license
  • Power of attorney for the person submitting the application

Once you have prepared all the documents, go to the business registration office of the Department of Planning and Investment of the district where you initially registered to edit your information.

Step 4. Re-register information with the tax office at the place of transfer (if different from province/city)

Within 10 days of being granted a business license based on a new location, the business needs to go to the new local tax office to re-register. Profile includes:

– Declaration 09-MST
– Certified copy of new business registration certificate.

This step is only for businesses moving company offices between provinces and cities. If only moving the headquarters within the district, the district of the province or city can be ignored.

Step 5. Apply for a new seal

Usually, the seal will have business address information. Therefore, when moving office, this address also changes, so you need to register to change the seal.

  • Moving in the same district: May not need to be engraved
  • Transfer to another district or district in the same locality: apply to the police where the old seal was issued for change.
  • Moving to another province or city: Complete the procedures for the return of the seal at the police station where the old seal was issued to you, and at the same time submit an application for stamp issuance at the new local police office. Documents to be prepared include:

+  A copy of the new business registration license with the address changed
+  Related papers certifying the registration of seal sample (old)
+  Letter of introduction to receive the seal



  • The administrative procedure for moving the company’s office is quite complicated and requires many types of documents, so businesses need to prepare carefully and fully, to avoid omissions, it takes time to supplement, amend, and delay operations.
  • For a smooth transition, don’t forget to learn How to Plan a Scientific Office Move to Make sure there are no errors.
  • When moving offices, it is necessary to post bulletins announcing the change on the website, send documents, fax or email to important partners and customers, specifying the start date of operation at the new office. Please refer to the company’s office relocation notice form
  • Besides administrative procedures, it is also important to note some feng shui procedures when moving offices so that everything goes smoothly and has a lot of luck. For example: See the auspicious day to move office, prepare a vow to move office, do a ceremony to move into a new office, …

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, July 19, 2021

Difference Between Serviced Office & Co-Working Space

Difference Between Serviced Office & Co-Working Space -

The world is constantly changing, so are people. The thinking of the classic office types where only one business takes advantage of the space of an entire building has now been improved. Instead, there are office rental models in the style of Co-working space or Serviced office space.

What is a Serviced Office?

What is a Serviced Office?
Serviced Office is a form that allows businesses to take advantage of a fixed space of a building.
The convenient office-model buildings allow businesses to use accompanying services such as the Internet, telephone, front desk, machinery, and equipment, furniture. The rental fees of these buildings are also cheaper and more flexible than traditional buildings. Usually, the management of the building is a separate unit (with the business). Managers can fully rent and use utilities in the building to other units, organizations, and businesses.
Benefits of Serviced Office for businesses
The convenient office model brings many benefits to businesses, especially small and medium-sized business organizations:

1. Flexibility:

Office managers under the Serviced office space model often offer space fees with more flexible terms than traditional offices.
For example, You can decide how many rooms the company will rent in the building for 1 month, whether to use the reception service in the lobby, how much office space this month will be, etc.

2. Cost:

Since the model of the convenient office is rent-as-you-go, your company can save a considerable amount of budget every month.
That is not to mention the convenient use of the office so that your business does not have to worry about fees related to machinery, office equipment, furniture, etc.

3. Location:

Convenient offices allow your business to be located in prime locations of the city with extremely affordable rental rates.

4. No time to set up the room:

With furniture already arranged, you don’t need to worry about arranging a full working day to set up tables and chairs, assemble or install machinery and equipment, etc.
To rent an office, you can immediately start working because everything is already installed.

5. Service:

There is no shortage of convenient services in a convenient office. Want a meeting room? Book with the building management and you have the same day.
Do your employees want to cook for fear of catching the flu? Hello, one hour can be used right in the kitchen. Do your employees want a play space at noon? It’s not a big deal if your business rents a utility office.

6. Zero equipment maintenance fee:

Your business no longer has to worry about expensive fixed asset depreciation fees, because that is the job of the building management.

7. Connection opportunities:

Sharing the facilities of an office building helps your business build connections with other businesses.
Who knows, your “colleagues” in the same office may become customers and partners of the company in the future?

8. Corporate image:

Any business that is located in a large, spacious building, located in the city center will certainly “score” in the eyes of partners and customers for professionalism.

What is the difference between Serviced Office and Co-working space model?

What is the difference between Serviced Office and Co-working space model?

Both convenient office and co-working spaces have many similarities such as Businesses rent the same office space to work together, share office equipment, flexible room rent, …
However, there is also a difference between a Serviced office and a Co-working space.
While the co-working space emphasizes the “community” aspect of the office, where people in the same space freely exchange information and work together, the convenient office focuses more on Private aspects of organizations and businesses that rent office services.
That’s why co-working space offices are fully open offices. It is a place where there are no walls or screens separating businesses.
As for the convenient office – Serviced Office, there are still optional terms that allow organizations and companies to work with a certain level of privacy. Walls can be erected if the company reaches an agreement with the building manager.
Co-working space is a newly emerged concept (born in the mid-2000s is becoming popular today). In the gas office, the convenient concept has existed since the 60s of the twentieth century.
Depending on the purpose of use, businesses can completely choose one of two office models: Co-working space or serviced office space to develop their business.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Weekly Trade Opportunities (12-18/07/2021)

Weekly Trade Opportunities -

Here are some of the Trade Opportunities collected over last week (12-18/07/2021)

1. Trade Opportunities: US company needs to import textile products

The US company needs to find a partner to process and sew all kinds of men’s, women’s and children’s pants according to the design (Requesting the service of sewing men, women and kids pants).
The US company needs to find a partner to process and sew all kinds of men’s, women’s and children’s pants according to the design (Requesting the service of sewing men, women and kids pants).

Interested Vietnamese businesses can directly contact the US partner at:

PYC Fashionntins LLC
Mr. Ezekiel K. Gyimah
26 N Lexow Avenue, Nanuet, New York, 10954, USA
Tel: +1.443-839-3030
Twitter @ezekofi

Souce: Vietnam Trade Promotion Office in New York

2. Trade Opportunities: Japanese company needs to import vegetables from Vietnam

Currently, Japanese partners are looking for sources of vegetables and fruits imported into Japan in large quantities as follows

Japanese company needs to import vegetables from Vietnam

Japanese company needs to import vegetables from Vietnam:
1. Whole stem broccoli (~38 bunches/ 9kgs/ 1 carton)
2. Baby corn in brine packed in plastic cans (specification ~100g baby corn/box)

If the quantity is stable and the quality is stable, it will be imported with a frequency of 1 container/week.

Any business that can meet the needs, please send a letter to Email:

To find out more Trade Opportunities, you can click here:

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Weekly Trade Opportunities (05-11/07/2021)

Weekly Trade Opportunities -

Here are some of the Trade Opportunities collected over last week (05-11/07/2021)

1. Trade Opportunities: Japanese pharmaceutical company needs to find distribution agent in Vietnam

Japanese pharmaceutical company needs to find distribution agent in Vietnam

The Japanese company needs to find an agent to distribute medicines made from herbs.

Any businesses that are interested should contact customers directly for transactions. (Japanese or English language)

Company name: JPS Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Mr. Takahiro Chiba

ジェーピーエス製薬株式会社/JPS Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
千葉 貴博/Takahiro Chiba
224-0023 4-42-22

Souce: Vietnam Trade Office in Japan

2. Trade Opportunities: South African businesses want to find partners to process equipment, technical tools, and measurement

Established in 1964, MITCO Tooling Company initially established a drill bit factory with a capacity of 6,000 drill bits/day. Up to now, MITCO has achieved an output of over 80,000 drill bits/day.
Besides, the company also expands product diversification to more than 40 countries around the world. In addition to self-manufacturing, MITCO also develops the import of products from outside to serve customers’ needs. MITCO’s products are mainly technical and measurement equipment and tools such as hacksaws, screwdrivers, water rulers, rolled steel rulers, rulers of all kinds, pruning knives… prestige including Ross, Mitco, Afile…

Currently, with the increasing demand for construction and infrastructure renovation in South Africa and other countries in the region, MITCO Company has a need to find partners to process, manufacture and supply water and steel rulers. rolls and tools, measuring and technical tools (details of products to find a supplier are attached to).

Interested Vietnamese businesses can directly contact:

Mr. Eric Klein, Managing Director, MITCO (Pty) Ltd.
Address: 12 Theuns Mulder Street, Industrial sites, Brits
P.O Box 1067, Brits 0250, South Africa

Phone: +27 (12) 250 2381
Fax: +27 (12) 250 2706

Source: Vietnam Trade Office in South Africa

To find out more Trade Opportunities, you can click here:

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Procedures to Apply a Work Permit for Foreigners

Procedures to Apply a Work Permit for Foreigners -

Foreign workers work in Vietnam is quite a large number. According to the current law, foreigners need a work permit to work at enterprises and organizations operating in the territory of Vietnam.

Conditions for applying for work permit of foreigners in Vietnam

Conditions for applying for work permit of foreigners in Vietnam

Employees need to meet some of the following requirements to ensure they can work in Vietnam such as:

  • Full capacity for civil acts.
  • Having professional qualifications, high skills, and health to ensure the requirements of the job.
  • Not subject to criminal prosecution or offenders under Vietnamese or foreign laws.
  • Foreign workers can apply for a work permit in Vietnam.
  • The following subjects can apply for work permits for foreigners working in Vietnam, including:
  • Employees are working in non-governmental organizations, international organizations operating in Vietnam.
  • Volunteers.
  • Representative of foreign enterprises operating in Vietnam.
  • Managers, executives, technical experts.
  • Laborers participating in the implementation of bidding packages and construction projects in Vietnam.

Steps to apply for a work permit for foreigners in Vietnam

1. Apply for approval of foreign workers to work in Vietnam

About 30 days before the expected date of employment, the employer needs to send a very specific explanation of the company’s need to use foreign workers to the Ministry of Labor. – Invalids and Social Affairs or the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee.
The business owner can submit this explanation through the portal of the Ministry of the Provincial Committee by the provisions set out in Circular 23/2017/TT-BLDTBXH. First, create an account on the website and apply through this account.
Within about 12 days after receiving the explanation sheet, the competent authority will send a notification of the results to the registrant’s email box. In case, the dossier has any errors, the authorities will request the most specific correction notice.
When there is a notice on the approval of the employment of foreign workers, the requester to use foreign workers will proceed to apply to the competent authority by post or in person. Within 8 hours after receiving the dossier, the competent authority will send the original permit to use foreign workers at the enterprise.

2. Apply for a work permit for foreigners in Vietnam

A complete application for a work permit for foreigners working in Vietnam includes the following documents:

  • An application for a work permit for a foreigner.
  • Health certificate issued by a competent health authority in Vietnam.
  • The criminal record is declared within 6 months from the date of filing.
  • Documents proving that the foreign worker is qualified to meet the job requirements.
  • Notarized copy of passport.
  • Some specific professions such as football players, pilots, etc. will be required to add some other special documents.

The time limit for granting work permits for foreigners is as follows:

For the case of direct submission at the authorities: the results are returned within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the application.
For strong case submission: results are returned within 5 days. If corrections are needed, the authorities will send detailed requests. If the application has been approved, the competent authority will send the original license to the address provided by the applicant.

Penalties for acts of using foreign workers without a work permit:

Penalties for acts of using foreign workers without a work permit:

According to Section 15 of Decree 88/2015/ND-CP amending and supplementing Article 22 of Decree 95/2013/ND-CP stipulating penalties for administrative violations in the field of labor, social insurance, and labor recruitment If a Vietnamese employee goes to work abroad under a contract, the act of using a foreign worker without a work permit shall be handled as follows:
Article 22. Violations against regulations on foreigners working in Vietnam

1. Expulsion of foreign workers working in Vietnam commits one of the following acts:

  • Working without a work permit, except for cases not subject to a work permit;
  • Using an expired work permit.

2. Fines shall be imposed on employers who employ foreign workers to work in Vietnam without a work permit unless they are not eligible for a work permit or use an expired work permit as prescribed. one of the following levels:

  • From 30,000,000 VND to 45,000,000 VND when using from 01 to 10 people;
  • From 45,000,000 VND to 60,000,000 VND when using from 11 to 20 people;
  • From 60,000,000 VND to 75,000,000 VND when employing 21 or more people.

3. Additional sanction: Suspend the operation of the enterprise from 01 to 03 months for the violations specified in Clause 2 of this Article.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, July 12, 2021

Compare Office for Rent from District 1 to District 5

Compare Office for Rent from District 1 to District 5 -

When looking for office space, businesses compare offices for rent in this district with office buildings in other districts, to make better decisions.

Office in District 1

Office in District 1
This is the most expensive place in Ho Chi Minh City, the largest economic center in Ho Chi Minh City, and the whole country. With the advantage of being located in the center, District 1 has many outstanding advantages. In addition to bringing convenience in traffic, easy moving to other areas, crowded areas. In particular, it is very close to Tan Son Nhat airport, convenient for traffic.
District 1 area is home to many Grade A offices for lease with modern equipment conditions, luxurious and professional design, diverse leasing areas. Thus, providing the most optimal working environment for businesses and creating a more professional image. However, the price is also among the most expensive, so this is not a good choice for small businesses.

District 3

Bordering District 1 and located right in the city center, District 3 is somewhat quieter than District 1. District 3 is also home to many embassies of other countries. Here, there are many types of office buildings for rent, although the quality is temporary, the cost is as high as office buildings for rent in District 1. Besides, District 3 is also easy to move to other districts but still encounters one-way streets and traffic jams at rush hour. Although it is not as convenient as in District 1, many companies choose District 3 because it has many beautiful places to set up offices.

Office in District 2 and District 4

Office in District 2 and District 4

District 2 used to be one of the less developed districts in Saigon. But now it has turned into a hot spot for development. The geographical location is extremely strategic, connected to the central district by Thu Thiem tunnel, and at the same time is the first stop of the subway system under construction. District 2 is the area that is targeted to become the second economic center of Saigon.
District 4 is considered the smallest district in Ho Chi Minh City, although there are few offices for rent, it is a good place to expand branches of big companies. In recent years, District 4 is gradually rising, and luxury buildings’ appearance has brought a new breath to this area. In addition, District 4 is also famous for its cheap street food area, serving many street foods in Saigon.
In general, both districts are on the rise and the cost here is much cheaper than the central districts. However, these two districts are far away and difficult to move to another place, so many young businesses have used to rent a virtual office in District 2, a virtual office in District 4 rather than renting an office or business premises.

District 5

Today, District 5 is becoming one of the largest economic centers in Ho Chi Minh City, so many businesses are paying attention to District 5. Only twenty minutes by car from District 1 to the West, District 5 is known as the largest Chinese street in Vietnam. But the Chinese are good at setting up and doing business, so this is a condition to attract businesses to come here to set up a business.
Choosing an office that is convenient for travel is also a concern of businesses. District 5 is a good ideal place for businesses to choose an office for themselves because traveling through the centers of District 1, District 3, District 10, District 6, … is convenient for partners and employees.
Unlike in District 1, the cost is expensive, it is difficult to rent with the low capital cost of newly established businesses. Most of the office rents in District 5 are much cheaper, but the quality of the office is as good as in District 1. This is a great advantage, a good reason for businesses to decide to start a business here.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

4 Small Tips To Help Managers Improve Office Quality

4 Small Tips To Help Managers Improve Office Quality -

Are you an office manager and always have a headache every month when you have to pay a lot of expenses but still cannot optimize the quality of your office? The following article will share with you 4 tips to help you for this.

Install a motion sensor in your office

Install a motion sensor in your office
One of the biggest and must-have costs for a company is lighting. Therefore, installing a motion sensor lighting system will help you save maximum electricity bills for the company’s lighting system. Installing this sensor will also help limit the situation when employees leave work or work late but forget to turn off the lights in the office.

Set and lock heating

Setting the temperature automatically in the office will save you a significant amount of money on heating costs and avoid arguments about turning on or changing the air conditioner temperature. Therefore, lock the heating system to a certain temperature.

Create a contest in your office

Create a contest in your office
You can create awareness among employees about saving energy by creating a small competition between employees or departments in the company to rank monthly and award outstanding teams…

Suggestions are encouraged

Set up an open forum where employees can contribute suggestions and provide feedback. The superiors can know what people think and what others do to help improve the working environment. This will help managers better understand their employees and promptly resolve internal issues.

Those are all 4 small tips for you to manage easily and optimize the quality of your company.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


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Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, July 5, 2021

Notes on Renting Grade B Offices in District 1

Notes on Renting Grade B Offices in District 1 -

In addition to the existing conditions and budget when renting a Grade B office in District 1, you should note the following.

1. Choose a suitable office location: Grade an office in District 1

1. Choose a suitable office location: Grade an office in District 1
Depending on the condition, existing budget, as well as the type of business of the company, you can consider different office locations with different prices. At the same time, the office location should also choose a location that is convenient for traffic, the office must be located in a clean location, with full light and green trees around, ensuring that the roads are clear and free of traffic. Good air circulation brings good luck in work.

2. Negotiate the rental price:

Rent is always the top concern of every business when renting an office, the rental price will depend on the location, area, and equipment in the building. Usually, the rental price will be subject to VAT of 10%. When renting, it is necessary to clarify the price right from the beginning, especially, does the price includes tax or not? If so, then this tax must be clearly stated in the contract to avoid misunderstandings later.
On the other hand, enterprises need to clarify other costs in the contract such as cleaning costs, parking costs under the building, security costs, etc… to avoid errors and shortages later. At the same time, businesses also need to consider the issue of deposit, usually, they will ask you to deposit at least 1 year or 2 years depending on the rental office, this is mandatory because the office rental is of nature. In the long term, you should make sure to have a deposit to avoid risks.

3. Office area: Grade an office

The usable area including room area, corridor, elevator, toilet, will average from 8-12 m2/person. In some projects, the investor includes the area of ​​public works in the building into the leased area.

4. Choose a building with a reputable investor when renting office District 1

4. Choose a building with a reputable investor when renting office District 1
When renting a Grade B office, you should also pay attention to the investor: Find out information about the partner, if the investor is not a reputable partner, has a history of stealing money, or causing trouble for the other party. If you rent an office, you should not rent an office in that building.

5. About payment method:

Rent will be paid every 1 or 3 months depending on the investor, usually by bank transfer, or it can be in cash depending on the business negotiating with the investor to see what is reasonable with the company yourself.

6. Services and design of rented office:

Building lobby: When customers enter the building, they will be interested in the first lobby, if the building has a cool and convenient lobby, customers will have a comfortable mood when entering your company. Therefore, when renting a Grade B office, you should raise the above issue with the investor to ensure the interests of the company and customers.
– Parking: A lot of Grade B buildings lack parking space, making customers very uncomfortable. Therefore, when renting, you should pay attention to choose buildings with convenient parking for employees and customers.
Central air conditioning system and elevator: The air conditioning system should bring in fresh and cool air for cheap office spaces. The elevator system should have a separate elevator for the office area to avoid troubles arising when sharing with residential areas.
– Window system: An office should not be too airtight, it will cause suffocation and not alertness. At the same time, the door system must also ensure that rainwater does not overflow or strong winds blow in.
– Toilets: Toilets need to be hygienic anyway. When renting an office house, you should consider whether the drainage system and other materials in the toilet meet hygiene standards. Because this will have a direct effect on the health and psychology of employees and customers when using.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


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Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Mistakes to Avoid When Design an Office

Mistakes to Avoid When Design an Office -

If you want to have a useful and professional workspace, you need to avoid the following office design mistakes that many people are still making:

1. The office design too many items:

1. The office design too many items:
When renting an office building, many offices not only put too much equipment or furniture but sometimes they also contain miscellaneous things that are not really needed for the job, turning the workspace into a warehouse. An item that you think is beautiful but if you don’t need it but try to display it in the room will only make the already small room area even smaller.
Try to clean up unnecessary items so that the space for the office is airy is the best way to decorate.

2. Choose a chair just for decoration:

Office chairs are a necessary use that you have to consider from many factors because sometimes you just want a beautiful room but choose a chair that deviates from its function. Do not be so important about color that you forget whether it really matches or brings comfort to the person sitting. So, to choose the right chair, you need to pay attention to the following points:
Choosing materials that are easy to clean is essential.
– Black is a safe choice, while white and other colors seem boring.
– Should choose chairs with adjustable height, helping the occupants to flexibly raise and lower for a comfortable sitting position.
Depending on the area, if the working space is large, you can choose large chairs and vice versa.

3. Color of office decoration for rent:

Surely everyone knows that dark colors will make space feel narrower and darker than it really is, especially this color will also make the working atmosphere more stressful. Therefore, when choosing decoration or furniture colors, you should choose light or neutral colors. This will make the office feel much more airy and spacious, as well as create a comfortable and light working space.
The choice of color in office decoration also requires flexibility. For example, for jobs that require creativity and dynamism, bright colors will be the most suitable, because they help stimulate the creativity and work spirit of employees. But with the usual office environment, these tones are easy to cause stress and discomfort.

4. Overuse of office decorations for office design:

4. Overuse of office decorations for office design:

Sometimes you will want to decorate some accessories to make the workplace more fresh and lively such as ornamental plants, flower vases or wall paintings,… This is not wrong, but if you do not know how to control the amount or spread them everywhere, you will only make the office narrower but not beautiful at all. Especially for small rental offices, the fewer decorations the better, because the more, the workspace will become extremely messy.

5. Office design is too monotonous:

Although decorating the office with bright colors and simple furniture patterns is essential. However, if the entire room from furniture, wall paint, or other items in the same color, an identical design will only turn the space into a monotonous block, bringing a sense of boredom for everyone.

To limit mistakes in the design of offices for rent, you can be more creative and diverse in decoration. For example, on a white background, we can use textures from accessories or materials, colors, and shapes of items so that they are in harmony with each other, it will still create a relaxing effect for space.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

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