Monday, June 28, 2021

Methods of Valuing Office Buildings

Methods of Valuing Office Buildings -

Determining the market value of the property is imperative, a fair value, objectively and transparently determined. So we will bring some methods that you can use for valuing office buildings.

What is the value of the office building for rent? and Methods?

What is the value of the office building for rent? and Methods?
Real estate has long been, along with bonds and stocks, one of the important investment assets in the Vietnamese market as well as in the world. Especially in a country with a history of high inflation, large corporations, financial institutions, and individuals view real estate as an investment that generates low-risk returns and can preserve capital. With a young population structure, a high proportion of people of working age, and increasing prosperity, commercial offices are also a strategic investment channel for the future.
While bond and stock prices can always be determined quickly thanks to high liquidity in the stock market, conversely, the market value of an active office building requires a different approach. These are the following methods:

– Cost method:

Book value, or in other words the total cost spent to construct and complete the office building for lease, maybe less than, equal to or exceed the market value. Investors always want the value of the real estate to be higher than the total construction costs because investors always expect a reasonable profit for the invested capital. However, in cases where the development of office buildings is not reasonable, for example, building a Grade A office in a non-central area, making the rent lower than the economic rent, or the construction cost is high due to high-interest rates. High rates and inflation, or poor building management, all of which can reduce profits to less than total costs. Therefore, book value cannot reflect market value because the value is defined by market supply and demand.

– Comparative method:

Limited liquidity compared to listed stocks has always been a feature of investment real estate in Vietnam. Buildings for rent are no exception. There are very few recently traded office buildings in HCMC, notably only Gemadept, Union Square, and Saigon Tower. Transaction details are often not available and the registration of land use rights is not public, so it is difficult to find exact transaction details.

– Income method:

Another method of accurately recording an asset’s earning potential and hence its added value is also very useful. The income method calculates an asset’s value using annual net profits and an appropriate capitalization rate or discount rate. This rate can be used to compare rates with other asset classes such as stocks, gold, foreign exchange, and thus, assessing investment returns can be made easier.

– Average cost of capital (WACC) methods:

- Average cost of capital (WACC) methods:

Many financial analysts in Vietnam use the WACC (average cost of capital) method to determine the capitalization rate for valuation. WACC is concerned with the capital structure of the business, or the cost of debt, and the expected return on equity. It is perfectly right for investors to use the above method to determine the value of their property, but is its market value? WACC is only based on specific returns associated with a particular business, not the market as a whole. This is why assessing the assets of a business using WACC can vary between types of investors, such as 100% equity and 100% debt financing. Investors have very different motives and capital structures, WACC only shows what the minimum expected rate of return a business is, not how much the market will pay for a property.

– Analysis from available transactions in the market:

The market rate of return is the best method for finding investment property value. The capitalization rate derived from market analysis represents the expected return on investment in an operating asset, unaffected by the capital structure or the investor’s subjective expected return. This rate also reflects an acceptable investment return based on the market.
To determine the market capitalization of this property, factors such as the approximate market rent of US$30/m² must first be determined, operating costs, brokerage fees, promotion fees, the time needed to find a new tenant, capital costs, etc. These factors must be market-based, not just historical performance information. After analysis, a capitalization rate is determined, and in this case approximately 10%. This market-based rate of return can be applied to other assets to determine market value.


– How to determine market value?

In countries with developed real estate markets, real estate transactions on the market are clearly recorded and published. Publicly listed companies have strict regulations on governance and information disclosure, thus ensuring the reliability of net asset value (NAV). Investors can then confidently use these valuations as the basis for a company’s balance sheet. Not only in Vietnam, in many other places, NAV is also frequently criticized and lost the confidence of investors. Therefore, the real estate industry urgently needs accurate valuation methods that follow international standards and a strong database that tracks and analyzes market transactions. Savills is a pioneer in building databases for the real estate market. This data is a valuable tool in disseminating accurate valuations to aid in promoting good governance and thereby giving investors more confidence to invest in commercial real estate.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

A Simple Way To Save Office Costs for Businesses

A Simple Way To Save Office Costs for Businesses -

Maximizing office costs is an extremely important issue for a business, especially a business with a limited budget. The following simple ways will help you reduce costs, increase profits while ensuring operational efficiency.

10 simple ways to help you save on office rental costs

10 simple ways to help you save on office rental costs

1. Pay employees for travel allowances instead of using company cars. It will help the company save significantly on insurance, gas, maintenance, and many other costs.
2. Use virtual communications over the internet in business to reduce office rental costs. Certainly, many companies do not need to have a big office. Many business owners run their businesses from home, and even a small office can accommodate a variety of needs with an email address, a post office box, and a responsive receptionist. make phone calls. If remote communication and data exchange really has an advantage, take advantage of it. Employees will thank the company and so will the company’s profits.
3. Shipping products directly from the manufacturer to the customer so that the company no longer has to worry about storage costs, insurance costs, and rental costs. These costs always eat into the company’s bottom line, so save time and money by shipping directly to the customer. When starting to make improvements to combat the waste of transportation, raw materials, and inventory, many companies fail to realize that this is one of the truly useful ways to improve profitability.
4. Provide insurance benefits to employees instead of purchasing health insurance packages. Small companies often can’t afford full employee insurance plans. However, the company can still guarantee this benefit to employees by paying them a certain amount to cover their own insurance. The company will be able to significantly save on insurance costs while not harming employee benefits.
5. Focus on building your network instead of paying for advertising. The cost from there will be reduced while the result is not small at all. People buy products and services from people they know well. So companies should get rid of the obsession with advertising and instead build networks with potential customers and trusted partners. So network building can be done through participating in online discussion groups with many potential customers for your product/service and participating enthusiastically.
6. Buy or rent a building that has excess space for the company to sublet. This rental expense will help the company offset other office expenses. And the company will treat this as a business asset of its own.
7. Use subcontractors if the company only needs part-time help. The company only has to pay for necessary work, not full-time wages. Not only does it save money on salary costs, but also tax and insurance costs. The use of subcontractors not only helps companies lower costs but also utilizes a lot of information technology and modern management skills in business activities, allowing small companies to solve their problems for bigger missions and faster development.
8. Use online meeting technology instead of actually traveling to reduce meeting costs. Travel time and costs will be reduced while profits are bigger.
9. Develop payment arrangements with the company’s customers to minimize additional costs incurred. It doesn’t matter how many products the company sells until the company has received payment. The purpose of this task is to ensure proactive agreement through which clear payment terms are obtained and the company gets its funds as quickly as possible.
10. Scrutinize to find the most suitable business insurance plan. Insurance is always quite expensive in terms of cost and therefore due diligence will result in significant cost savings for the company. The key lies in understanding the differences between different offers from different insurance providers and on that basis conducting the most thorough cost-benefit analyses.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, June 21, 2021

Experience for Finding Offices for Rent in Tan Binh District

Experience for Finding Offices for Rent in Tan Binh District -

The following experiences will help those who are in need of office rental in Tan Binh district to find a place with a reasonable price, a suitable location, and at the same time meet other service and utility factors in a short time in the current economic session.

1. Rental location of Tan Binh:

1. Rental location of Tan Binh

Depending on the type of business, the location to rent an office in Tan Binh district will be different. However, every workplace should ensure the following basic criteria:
Central or nearby area
– Convenient traffic, clear roads
– The security and order situation in the area is guaranteed
– Good quality of building management
– Clean surroundings, lots of trees
– Various utilities such as eating places, hospitals, banks…

2. Rental price of office for lease in Tan Binh:

Office rent is high or low depending on the location, area, and equipment arranged in the house.
– Usually, the rental price will be subject to 10% tax.
– You need to clarify the price issue right from the beginning, especially whether the price offered by the lessor is inclusive of tax and clearly stated in the contract to avoid disagreements later.
– Besides, you also need to pay attention to the price of electricity and water and other fees before making a contract.

3. Office area:

Before renting an office, you need to calculate that the workplace is not too small or too redundant compared to the necessary level.
– The minimum area for an employee is 5m2, ideally from 8-18m2.
In addition, you should discuss with the investor about the shared space such as toilets, corridors… to avoid conflicts later.
– In case the company plans to expand in the future, you need to tell the landlord or investor in advance to minimize the costs incurred and avoid the lack of expansion area.

4. Investor for lease in Tan Binh District:

4. Investor for lease in Tan Binh District

You should find out information about the office lessor in advance. Avoid unscrupulous investors who have been reflected on legal issues, money, contract performance…
Some factors to consider to limit the risk:
– Can the investor sell the leased area to others?
– Do they have the ability to terminate the office lease agreement ahead of time?
– Are they able to fully and promptly fulfill the commitments stated in the contract?
– For arising problems that are not agreed upon in the contract, how will they handle them?

5. Payment period and lease term:

Normally, office rent will be paid every 3 months. But there are also cases where the lessor wants to collect sooner or later. You should agree with the investor or landlord on a reasonable time for both parties.
– For contracts, the minimum term is 2 years. The most common rate is 5 years, after which priority is to be renewed. This also needs to be negotiated depending on the company’s business development needs.

6. Service and office design:

– Courtyard lobby:
This area significantly affects the psychology of employees and customers from outside. If the lobby is spacious and airy, customers will have a more comfortable mood when entering your company.
– Parking:
Many buildings do not have parking space or the parking area is quite far away, which makes many customers and employees uncomfortable. Therefore, when renting an office, you should also pay attention to this issue.
– Air conditioning system and elevator:
You need to find out what type of air conditioning system in the office is. In some places, the system is not good, so it causes noise and water flow, affecting business. For elevators in buildings, there should be a separate area to avoid congestion due to sharing with residential areas.
– Window system:
The rented office should not be too airtight, it will easily cause suffocation. At the same time, the door system must also ensure that no rain or strong wind enters. For workplaces near crowded areas, the building’s glass should be double-layer soundproof glass to ensure quiet when working.
– Toilet:
When renting an office, you should consider whether the drainage system, as well as other facilities in the toilet, are up to standards. This directly affects the health and psychology of employees and customers when using.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

10 Negotiation Tips For Office Rental Prices

10 Negotiation Tips For Office Rental Prices -

In addition to finding a good office for rent, companies need to know how to negotiate prices to save the most budget.

1. Make the first impression when negotiating

1. Make the first impression when negotiating
For business people, making the first impression is extremely important. First of all, show it through your appearance such as clothes, hair, shoes… Suppose you come to your partner wearing shorts, slippers, and messy hair. Surely with your messy appearance, they will not trust you or think you are not serious about renting an office, maybe even refuse before the negotiation takes place. So, show up with an outfit that makes you look professional that will make your partner sympathize and appreciate you more.

2. Courtesy

This is an important rule when you meet and interact with partners. Always have a polite attitude with simple actions such as shaking hands when meeting, remembering the name of the lessor, not saying more than necessary, not telling, bragging, etc… This will help you gain sympathy and also makes the negotiation less stressful and easier.

3. Show trustworthiness

Not only through dress or polite manners, but you also have to show credibility by showing them your financial ability. That you are willing to pay according to the agreement and follow the principles set by both parties. If you are a lessor, you probably don’t want to give your property to someone without a clear career and background. Because the level of risk you face will be very high. So, show the other party how trustworthy you are to make the negotiation easy. Moreover, if you are a reputable and reputable business in the market, the price negotiation will be even more beneficial, for both parties. The lessor will understand that it is possible to cooperate with you for a long time, and it is not easy to get a good partner like you.

4. Understanding the office rental market for your negotiation

4. Understanding the office rental market for your negotiation

Understanding the market and getting a lot of information about the real estate business will be very beneficial for you. Not only can you find offices with good locations and conditions, but you can also find out which prices are most reasonable. For example, you plan to rent an office on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street and know that there are many vacant places around that area. This information will be extremely helpful as you can look at properties nearby and negotiate with landlords for lower rates. The negotiation will take place quite easily when the partner does not want to lose customers. Moreover, being knowledgeable also helps you avoid the situation of having to rent an office higher than the market price.

5. Capture the tenant’s psychology

In any negotiation, it is very important to understand the psychology of the other party. Through the attitude, gestures, or words of the lessor, you can tell if they are satisfied, hesitant, or not agreeing with the price you ask. From there, you can adjust the office rent in a way that suits the interests of both parties. Or as your real estate lease is about to expire, you understand that a landlord is a stable person and will probably have a hard time finding new tenants. You can then offer to extend the contract at a lower price than the original.

6. Listen

Have you heard the saying “silence is golden”? During a negotiation, being quiet at the right time and listening to the landlord’s opinion will help you capture a lot of information and understand what they want. Lots of words and trying to convince is not always good. Speakers need listeners. That way, you will show respect to your partner, make them feel good, and easily open your heart to listen to your subsequent requests.
Absolutely do not argue or say uncultured words when negotiating. Because they will be the cause of an unsatisfactory outcome for both parties.

7. Mutual benefits

7. Mutual benefits
A successful negotiation is when both parties are satisfied with the terms. Especially not causing a feeling of defeat, disappointment, loss of face … for the lessor. Suppose after negotiating, you can reduce the price of office rent as desired, but the partner is not satisfied with such a level. They just accept it for some reason. At that time, it will be difficult for the two sides to cooperate for a long time. And in the process of cooperation, if unfortunately, you have trouble with infrastructure, maintenance… surely the lessor will let you manage and only take care of their interests, as you did before.

8. Consider the requests made by the lessor

In some negotiations, many businesses only pay attention to how to rent an office with the cheapest price without paying attention to the requirements of the lessor. This is a serious mistake because sometimes, those requests bring you more benefits than most. For example, your partner may ask for the same rates but will pay for electricity, taxes, insurance, and maintenance for the office or shared areas. At that point, you should reconsider this offer, because the cost of those issues may even be higher than the discount you negotiated.

9. Hold your ground

Standing firm does not mean insisting on reducing the office rent as you want. Don’t let a few convincing words of partners like this place have a good location, many people ask for rent, beautiful design… that you rush to accept the initial price. You need to understand your position, grasp the advantages and disadvantages of the lessor to make a reasonable request. You should be flexible in your terms and conditions, but still, keep the price from deviating too much from what you intended. To do so, you must know a lot about the partner and prepare carefully before the negotiation.

10. Presuppositions of situations

Before the negotiation, make sure you have all the information you need. Then try to pose situations and deal with them. You should assume the prices or requirements that the tenants of the office offer and how to convince them. This will help you prepare mentally and not be surprised and confused during the negotiation.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

What Start-up Companies Should Pay Attention to When Renting Office

What Start-up Companies Should Pay Attention to When Renting Office -

Are you a start-up company and looking to rent an office in Ho Chi Minh City? This article will share with you the most useful experiences.

1. Renting an office located far from the city center:

1. Renting an office located far from the city center:
Many startups often use an optimal option to rent an office located far from the central district. You can find offices for rent in Binh Thanh, Phu Nhuan, Tan Binh, District 5, District 11, … to save costs. Usually, buildings for rent in these districts have a small area, not as high-class utilities as in central districts, so the rent is lower, more suitable for small businesses that have just started up.

2. Financial considerations of the business:

This is a very important issue. To rent a suitable office, you must adjust the price so that it is reasonable, especially with the company’s current revenue. Or if your business receives investment from other sources, it seems “easier” to breathe. But if the company is independent and does not rely on support from any source, you must be very careful because it is usually signed for 6 months or more and must deposit at least 3 months of rent. Therefore, you must pay 4 months in advance of the office rent to officially have full use rights.

3. Small office space rental:

Renting an office with a small area is a common need of small, newly established, small-scale companies who need to find a small office to save on rental costs. although small, but the layout is suitable and tidy, which can still bring a professional feeling to the company using a reasonable design style. Normally, you can find small offices from 15m2, 18m2 to 30m2 depending on your ability and needs.

4. Learn about the form of Officetel:

4. Learn about the form of Officetel:
Officetel real estate model is the perfect combination between Office and Hotel, this is a model that has been developed for a long time in developed countries but has only recently blossomed in Vietnam. Officetel model apartment used to both stay and combine with it. Officetel is a type of real estate full of closed utilities of a residential area, having high commercial features, completely unlike the traditional model, so it is very suitable for companies start-ups with foreign investment. Currently, there are many Officetel buildings in District 7 and District 1.
Normally, an Officetel apartment has an area of ​​​​from 25 to 40 m2, so this type of apartment is quite suitable for Startup companies, representative offices or company branches, research teams, or others. Foreign groups working in Vietnam… In addition, Officetel also brings many conveniences and advantages to tenants, both providing standard and luxurious offices with a full reception hall, elevator, security system with a professional management team.

5. Choose to rent a coworking office:

A shared office, also known as Coworking Space or rental of working seats, is a service that provides users with a workspace with full functions of a professional office. A shared office is an effective office solution for individuals and organizations to jointly own and share office costs. These offices are often fully equipped with equipment, helping businesses minimize the cost of renting offices, very suitable for start-ups. Currently, shared offices in the form of co-working spaces are emerging a lot in big cities. This form of coworking creates very good conditions for the star-up ecosystem to develop, supporting startups to expand their scale.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Issues To Note When Hiring an Office Design Unit

Issues To Note When Hiring an Office Design Unit -

The desire to have a beautiful office space and optimize design and construction costs are the desires of any boss or administrative staff in charge of renting offices and setting up office locations and working for the company is all about.

1. Specific budget formulation:

1. Specific budget formulation:

The biggest mistake for businesses when moving offices is building a general budget, not specifying each item. In fact, the more detail we can do, the better. Specific from big items to small items, then balance the budget between those items.
For example, when building a budget, in addition to budgeting for office rental or furniture, we need to include costs for administrative tasks such as redoing legal procedures, re-printing publications. , … and most importantly, don’t forget the costs incurred in contingencies for these.

2. There is enough time to prepare:

“Time is gold” is even more true for businesses in this era. Therefore, before the business prepares for a new house, it is also necessary to prepare yourself time to do this. Our advice is:
Right from the time of looking for a rental space, businesses should immediately find themselves a companion design unit so that they will give advice and useful advice for that space. And yet, in the process of negotiating a contract with the homeowner, it is also time for that design unit to come up with design ideas for the business’s office.

This will save a lot of time for businesses. When the business officially signs the contract, the interior construction unit can enter the office to complete the construction.

The timing of the office move is also quite important. Businesses should not move offices at the end of the year, which is the peak season for offices.

At this time, office prices may decrease, but interior construction prices often increase by 5-15% more than in the middle of the year, not to mention the employee’s psychology is disturbed, affecting the year-end work of businesses.

3. Choose to hire an office design unit:

3. Choose to hire an office design unit:

Many businesses often save on office moving costs by dropping design costs, but few businesses know that this is the way to increase office moving costs.

The average working time of office workers in a day ranges from 8 to 8.6 hours, so in order to take advantage of the full capacity of personnel, businesses need to pay more attention to working space. The transformation of the enterprise is partly also assessed through design. Above all, it is through corporate design that you can easily control the investment budget. So there is no reason not to find a design company.

4. Selection of contractors for the construction of full-service office furniture:

Is it cheaper to choose a contractor for partial construction? These are often concerns of businesses when they intend to redo or renew their offices.

It is true that the price will be cheaper, but the total cost is uncertain. Why is that? When businesses do it themselves, have they factored in the following costs?

Expenses for 1 employee to leave work to supervise interior work. Not to mention the cost of risk at work when you intend to temporarily stop working at the company to work as a supervisor.

Construction time will definitely be longer because it is difficult for separate contractors to complete the construction of items at the same time, instead of being able to do many items at the same time when everything will have to “wait in line”, Not to mention the fact that supervisors do not have much construction management experience, which is also the reason for the increase in costs.

For example, if provided by a contractor, the time is only 30 days, but if you do it yourself, the time can be 50 days. So wasting 20 days of rental is also wasting the money of the business.

High cost and risk due to not being able to predict all the problems in the construction process. Some excess is still superfluous, what is lacking is still lacking.

In addition, when choosing a package contractor, businesses will certainly feel more secure in the warranty process, at least not be blamed by different contractors when having problems during the business process. put the product into use and operation.

With the above advice, it is hoped that businesses can have a clearer view when planning to move or renovate offices.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, June 7, 2021

Scams To Avoid When Renting an Office

Scams To Avoid When Renting an Office -

Taking advantage of the increasing demand for office space, fake real estate brokers have appeared with extremely sophisticated and blatant scams. If not careful, businesses may fall into traps and face the situation of “losing money”.

1. Unravel the scams of fake office leasing brokers


1. Unravel the scams of fake office leasing brokers


1.1. Information about offices for lease is completely different from the reality:


In fact, we easily come across brochures advertising office rentals, the premises are plastered at power poles, bus stations, with extremely attractive ads such as Grade A office for rent, B in the center of District 1 costs only 3 to 4 million a month, has charged service fees, electricity, water, VAT, … But when contacting, the information is not correct, often you will receive answers like such as: Out of office for lease or end of the promotion. They will then refer you to another office for a lease to get the brokerage money. So when this is the case, you should not accept the invitation to see another office, maybe it is scams of a fake broker to get a deposit and then run away.

1.2. Costs incurred when finding an office:

Once you have found a satisfactory office, there are many cases in which, in addition to the monthly office rent, you will bear a lot of other costs incurred such as brokerage fees, building management fees, security fees, etc. electricity, water, parking fees, internet, phone, overtime fees, etc. The total cost incurred is higher than the office rent. In fact, many businesses have encountered this sophisticated trick and have to lose a deposit to find a new office.

1.3. Impersonating a building owner to trick customers into renting offices:

Those who pretend to be the owner of the building to introduce to office tenants good policies, cheap rent as well as many incentives when renting the office of that building, so that they will use sweet words to get customers to agree to sign the contract, rent deposit (usually 3 months) with the investor, because the broker hires fake people, after receiving the deposit, they will disappear quickly.

2. How to avoid scams when renting an office


– Find a reputable office leasing service: It is very difficult to listen to this person’s introduction, the other person’s introduction will be very difficult to verify to avoid losing money, it is best and safest to still find an office rental agency.

– Specific contracts: Many brokers will take advantage of “tricks” to cheat in contracts. Therefore, this type of document needs to be carefully considered, it is best to invite a good professional lawyer to check. In addition, some people who are careful in the signing exchange will record or record.

– Urging customers to sign contracts quickly: With the desire to gain illicit profits. The fake brokers will “push” the customer to sign the contract as quickly as possible. Everyone should be alert to make wise decisions, avoid being taken advantage of.


3. Should you find an office for rent through a broker?

3. Should you find an office for rent through a broker?


Many customers, after coming to a reputable office leasing service, have shared that the process of finding office rental by themselves has faced many difficulties, there are also many brokers that offer to cooperate, but because Unbelievably afraid that these units are linked with the investor to increase rent or affect the interests of customers, so they refuse to work. However, after understanding the role of brokers, the companies have trusted to cooperate and find their own satisfactory office products.

The most reputable brokerage units in the market have in their hands most of the information about cheap office buildings for rent in Ho Chi Minh City accurate and constantly updated, so the information that is provided to customers Item is accurate and up to date.

Brokers will assist customers to quickly rent an office at a good price thanks to their understanding of the market, expertise, and contact information with the building management. At the same time, it still ensures objectivity and transparency when the customer is the one who directly receives the quotation, directly considers and selects the appropriate office, and directly negotiates the contract. Brokerage units provide market and building information, advise in the process of price negotiation, and contract negotiation. Different from the unfriendly look of some people, the brokers are the ones who help customers find the products they like, saving both time and money. You might as well find your own customers. Therefore, the team of office leasing agents is increasingly asserting its importance. The office leasing brokerage companies in Ho Chi Minh City are also increasing day by day, proving this more and more.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Leasehold Improvements And Leasehold Land

Leasehold Improvements And Leasehold Land -

The following is an explanation of leasehold improvements and leasehold land that will help you lease an office easily.


Leasehold Improvements, or Rental Property Improvements, are repair fees paid by tenants for rented space.
Examples of rental property improvements are:

  • Interior walls and ceilings
  • Electrical system and plumbing
  • Tables, cabinets, furniture are available
  • Carpets and tiles

This leasehold improvements section of the lease details what the tenant or landlord will pay for renovating the property. This may include improvements such as ceiling tiles or security systems.
This revision will also detail when each improvement will be made, by whom, and at what cost.
These may depend on the length of the office lease and the size of the space.


Leasehold Land, or Leased Land, is a ground leased by a person or related entity to a person or company; however, all mineral ownership belongs to the landowner.
There are different types of rental property rights such as Pastoral leases, mainly in arid and semi-arid regions and tropical savannas.
There are three types of rental ownership

  • Term lease – usually 1–50 years, for a specific purpose.
  • Permanent rental – can only be used for a specific purpose.
  • Free rental – after approval to convert the lease to free, and the tenant pays the purchase price in installments. This is a temporary term; a Free title is not granted until all purchase costs have been paid.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News