Monday, November 30, 2020

How Long of an Office Lease Term We Need to Sign

How Long of an Office Lease Term We Need to Sign

Here’s How to Purpose Which Lease Term is Best for Your Company

How Long of an Office Lease Term We Need to Sign?

How Long of an Office Lease Term We Need to Sign?
While the typical length of it can vary based on the market location and its conditions, current vacancies, and upcoming developments, there are both benefits and disadvantages to signing a short-term (less or three years ) or long-term (6-7 to 10 years and more) lease.
You should note that the more competitive the market you’re in, the longer leases you ought to anticipate landlords requiring. Here, we examine the benefits of different lease lengths to help you decide what’s best for your company’s next office space.

Benefits of a Short-Term Lease

Typically, a short-term lease makes more sense for smaller companies that are still in the process of growing and want to prioritize flexibility over stability.
If your business requires flexibility to expand or downsize, it’s going to make the foremost sense to sign a short-term lease, as an extended lease may hinder your company’s ability to grow.
A short-term lease will be advantageous if the office space no longer works for your company in the near future. If you are not legally obligated to the space with a long-term lease, you’ll avoid the potential expenses of subleasing your space or terminating your lease early within the event of a move.

Benefits of a Long-Term Lease

Benefits of a Long-Term Lease
A long-term lease can give established companies with both financial and logistical stability, plus more negotiating power during lease discussions with the owner down the road.
If you anticipate rental rates in your market to climb, it is often to your advantage to sign an extended lease and lock in today’s lower rental rates, instead of renewing at a future, potentially higher rate.
This is particularly true for stable companies that have clearly defined growth projections and like to lock-in a positive rental rate.
However, this could be true for growing companies; by negotiating expansion rights in your lease, you can sign a long-term that will allow for expansion that will match your company’s growth over the lifetime of the rent.
Long-term leases also can assist you avoid relocation costs, which may include new office build-out costs, technology and other infrastructure expenses, lost productivity thanks to downtime during the move, and additional moving and furniture expenses.

Negotiate Larger Concessions

Negotiate Larger Concessions

If your company doesn’t need flexibility in it, you’ll often use an extended lease as leverage to barter more concessions from the owner.
When you sign a long-term lease, the landlord can spread the deal costs out over many years, so they can typically get more aggressive with concessions. These may include: a bigger tenant improvement allowance, discounts on rental rates, building signage rights, better rental rates, more favorable non-economic terms like expansion rights, and more.
There are a variety of the way to structure a lease to suit your business’s needs. A qualified tenant representation broker can assist you determine what sort of lease is going to be best for your company’s needs and find options on the market which will best fit these needs.

To find out more about the Know-how to lease/rent an office, you can click here:

Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Thursday, November 26, 2020

7 Essential Maintenance Tips for Your Business Office

7 Essential Maintenance Tips for Your Business Office -

General business office maintenance is usually one of the things on everyone’s minds of business owners. So let’s go over 7 essential maintenance tips for your business office:

Make sure you run regular checks in your Maintenance

Make sure you run regular checks in your Maintenance 
Most maintenance issues are simple and easy to do. Large problems arise when they aren’t taken care of on time. Most often go unnoticed until it’s too late to cry when the top is off. For example, rust on business piping or a little crack on the wall might appear to be harmless at first but can develop over time to a much bigger problem.
You need to spot early signs by looking for them. Waiting for maintenance problems to point out themselves may be a gamble you shouldn’t take.
Build a maintenance checklist of your office equipment and set out a private time to check up on them monthly.

Don’t ignore repairs

If detected early, don’t hesitate to form the required repairs on time. Like an ailment, problems are much easier to handle once they are tackled head-on. If you wait till they start to affect business operation, you run the risk of making huge losses in late repairs.
It can be tempting to save money by adopting a wait-and-see approach but this is very risky behavior that can have a negative effect on your business.
More often than not, prevention isn’t as costly as a reaction. The moment when you see a problem the fee you pay to deal with it right now will be much lesser than coupling with the potential damage.

By all means, avoid DIY Maintenance

By all means, avoid DIY Maintenance
Home and office repairs are carried out by millions of people each year. It’s often the practice of business owners to carry out DIY maintenance on basic repairs. We’d strongly advise against it. Leave repairs and maintenance issues to qualified professionals.
A DIY maintenance project will happily steal valuable time from you that you can channel to more imaginative ventures. Business owners are very busy and time spent on DIY projects isn’t worth the stress.
If you feel the DIY job is easy and doesn’t require the impute of a professional – think again. A badly finished or unfinished DIY project might not have an adverse effect on the home but the same can’t be said in a business environment. Taking up a DIY project that you simply don’t complete properly can have widespread repercussions for the entire office. You must consider the business reputation of your clients, investors, and staff.

Modernize your business environment

Replacing outdated equipment may be an excellent thanks to keep the office in top form. Outdated office equipment and elements are more likely going to cause you problems. The investment needed to form modernize changes can seem intimidating initially but it’s a surefire thanks to make lasting changes around the office.
By office elements, we are talking about things just like the plumbing, heating plant, electrical installations, roofing, ceiling panels, lighting system etc.
Make it a habit to change outdated elements from your business office and you won’t feel the weight of having to do it all at once.

Keep the heating, ventilation and conditioning systems in mind for the Maintenance

Keep the heating, ventilation and conditioning systems in mind for the Maintenance
In the likely scenario that you have modernized elements in your office that you need to keep an eye on all of them. The HVAC needs regular maintenance to run smoothly. Proper upkeep will keep utility bills on the low and ensure you make the most out of this equipment. Call in a reliable professional if repairs or maintenance are needed.

Clean out your business environment regularly

Clean floors can make a big statement. Dirty floors are a no-no when it comes to doing good business. Invest in employing cleaners who take out turns to ensure that the floors are properly taken care of.
If you want to make a lasting impression on clients, investors and staff make sure the floors are neat.

Repaint walls and change out furniture if need be

Repaint walls and change out furniture if need be
Wall paint isn’t for aesthetic purposes only, they can also protect the building in times of harsh weather and fire outbreak. There are certain paint colors known to have a positive impact on productivity. Consult with knowledgeable and have your wall paints changed or repainted to fit your business goals.
Don’t forget about maintaining office furniture too.

To find out more Office administration tips, you can click here:

For Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Best Tips for Doing Business in Vietnam

Best Tips for Doing Business in Vietnam -

The Vietnamese’s Business are incredibly open and optimistic about foreign investment and thus the opportunities brought by increasing integration in international markets. They are also usually very keen to share their proud culture, tradition, and history with foreigners so as to guard their local customs and heritage during a rapidly developing and outward-looking society.

Greetings for Business

Greetings for Business
The Vietnamese language has a stimulating set of pronouns. There is no direct translation for ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘he’ or ‘she’ in Vietnamese because the words wont to address people are decided by generation also as gender. For instance, someone younger than you will be addressed as ‘em’, while a friend the same age is ‘ban’, yet a male your grandfather’s age is ‘Ong’. Dozens of pronouns are necessary to assist fully clarify the strict generational hierarchy of Vietnam. Most teenagers would agree that their parents know what’s best when it involves big decisions about their future.
Experience, wisdom, and pragmatism prioritize over youthful idealism. Therefore, it’s always best to offer a two-hands handshake to the oldest people in the room first, and the youngest last.
When pitching an idea, try to have an experienced colleague focus on the practical real-world solutions you’ve already established, rather than losing your audience in speculative, ideological, or conceptual discussions.


Generation also plays a key role when eating. Usually, meals are a family occasion, so paying individually may be a baffling practice for many Vietnamese. If you invite a group of people to eat with you, it’s your responsibility to settle the bill, with the oldest male traditionally reaching for his wallet.
Vietnamese people like to eat and are very pleased with their traditional cuisine. They will be overjoyed to listen to foreigners hum while eating and saying the word ‘delicious’. Rice products, noodles, fresh vegetables, and hot-pots form the backbone of the Vietnamese diet, along with every kind of meat imaginable. Tropical fruits like guava or green mango, served with salt, are a standard snack during meetings,
It’s also worth bearing in mind that lunch may be a meal reserved for family. Between 11:30 am and a couple of pm, schools close and workers head home in order that families can enjoy lunch together. As Vietnamese working hours can stretch from 7 am-9 pm in tropical weather, Vietnamese people also like to take a nap around midday. It’s not wise to suggest a call or meeting that might disturb this organization, so a business dinner is a much better idea than a working lunch.

Making conversation in Business

Making conversation in BusinessWhen sitting right down to eat, you would possibly be surprised by a number of the questions you’re asked. It is
unpopular for people to ask “How are you?” as there’s no direct translation in Vietnamese (the closest being: “Do you’ve got strength?”)
Vietnamese people may ask “How old are you?” – usually considered a faux-pas. But don’t be offended – this is just to gauge how they should address you as part of the generational hierarchy. In fact, cutting years off your true age may prove detrimental.
More common opening questions in Vietnamese include “Where are you from?”, “How many people in your family?” and “Are you married yet?” The relatives remain very strong in Vietnam, and sharing pictures of loved ones enjoying free time together is going to be very endearing, portraying an individual of wholesome character.
Image is vital in Vietnam, especially when doing business. You must be professional, but it also helps to illustrate that you are a charitable person and a dedicated family member.

Being honest

When sharing photos, try to not be stunned by common Vietnamese compliments like “Your daughter is so beautiful” or “Your family are so rich”. Due to their mother tongue’s simple grammar and logical vocabulary, people in Vietnam generally call things as they see them and like to speak in a very clear and straightforward manner. This can lead Vietnamese people to sometimes encounter to Westerners as quite abrupt, especially if they ask frank questions like “How much does one earn?”
However, some in business might find this refreshing, as cutting to the chase and displaying results are often far more effective than drowning people in euphemisms and jargon.

Negotiating about Business

Negotiating about Business
Don’t be afraid to clarify your position clearly, because you’re going to be negotiating. Like most Asian countries, Vietnamese businesses tend to favor fitted, flexible deals over standardized, fixed arrangements.
The figure you’re quoted first is typically just your trading partner’s target; their ideal results of the negotiations. Your response should then be your minimum amount, which then sets the home in which negotiations can happen.
Vietnam’s exponential growth has created an optimistic economy, but one that’s also increasingly competitive. Businesses are looking forward to foreign investment to realize the advantage. It is therefore important to understand the context in which you are negotiating and offer the right sweeteners to any deal. For example, long-term sustainable partnerships with flexible terms are seen as favorable to strong contracts with short-term gains.
Image is additionally paramount, and doing business with large organizations in developed countries may be a big indicator of success and prestige to Vietnamese consumers. Any deal involving publicity, marketing, and media opportunities boasting international relationships would be very desirable.
It’s also crucial to recollect that Vietnam only joined the worldwide marketplace three months before Jeff Bezos founded Amazon. Free markets are still somewhat of a replacement phenomenon. Vietnamese businesses are keen to find out the secrets of successful, sustainable growth from large multinational firms. Offering cutting-edge software, online technology or simply secrets to international success in your industry will likely sweeten any deal.

source: vietnaminsider

To find more about guide for business and investment in Vietnam, you can click here:

Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, November 23, 2020

A Step-by-Step Guide How to Rent an Office for Small Businesses

A Step-by-Step Guide How to Rent an Office for Small Businesses -

Below is a helpful guide that will show you step-by-step how to lease office space for your small businesses.

9 Steps to Renting Office Space for a little Businesses

  9 Steps to Renting Office Space for a little Businesses
Step 1: Calculate what proportion of Square Footage you would like

One of the first things you’ll need to purpose when you start looking for an office is to lease is how much square footage you need. To help you calculate the quantity of office space you’ll need for your businesses, we’ve pulled together some basic square footage calculations, also as some tips to assist you envision your space.

Step 2: Determine your budget

Step 2: Determine your budget

Before you’ll even begin watching office spaces, it’s important to understand what your budget is. Knowing your budget will help you narrow down your options upfront based on what you can realistically afford.

Step 3: Research and tour office spaces

Research different office spaces available in your area and visiting. It’s best to see the space in person to check out the area, meet your potential new neighbors, and to visualize what it would actually be like to work there.

Step 4: Decide on an office for your Businesses

Out of the different office spaces you toured, decide which one is right for your business. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Is the location convenient for your clients?
  • Is the location convenient for you?
  • Is the location right for my employees/potential employees?
  • Is there parking available?
  • Is it affordable?
  • Is it located near stores (banks, post offices,…) and other conveniences that are necessities for you?
  • Are you allowed to redecorate and customize the space?
  • Is there a kitchen you can use?
  • Does my business have room to grow during this space?
  • What do current tenants say about the office rentals here?

These are just a few questions to get you started. Check out this checklist of 20 questions to ask yourself before choosing an office space for a helpful list of things to ask about and consider as you’re reviewing potential spaces.

Step 5: Leave room to grow

Step 5: Leave room to grow

Consider extra space if you propose to grow your team. While you’re growing your business, you may be able to sublet the extra space to another renter for additional income. (Keep in mind, the original lease will need to include sublease options upfront.)

Step 6: Determine all costs

Make sure to look at all the costs associated with the move. Calculate the entire cost of rent, utilities, moving expenses, construction costs (if any), etc. And confirm you’ve budgeted sufficiently for the length of your lease.

Step 7: Get your financial documents ready when growing your Businesses

Before you’ll lease office space, building owners will want to work out if you’ll pay the rent! Typically, the owner will require a security deposit. Start collecting important financial documents including tax returns, bank statements, financial references, and a bank letter of credit to prove that you are able to cover the expenses.

Step 8: Finalize special requests

Step 8: Finalize special requests

Do you plan on having the office space renovated before you progress in? Does the contract include the setup of wifi or any other special agreements? Make sure all these details are covered before the move-in date.

Step 9: Move-in

Move into your new place and make it your own! Make your workspace creative and unique by adding your own
personal contact.

Don’t forget to let people know your business has moved to another place! Here’s a helpful checklist to assist you update your address altogether in the proper places.

To find out more about the Know-how to lease/rent an office, you can click here:

Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Weekly Trade Opportunities (16 – 22/11/2020)

Weekly Trade Opportunities -

Here are some of the Trade Opportunities collected over last week (16 – 22/11/2020)

1. Trade Opportunities: Algeria enterprises find suppliers of fabrics

Algeria enterprises find suppliers of fabrics

Algerian companies have a need to import fabrics.

Interested Vietnamese businesses can directly contact:

Mr. Abderrahmane Benarba, Commercial Manager,

GECOTEX GSM Company: 0541 637 737

Tel / Fax: 023 82 34 18;


Source: Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria

2. Trade Opportunities: The Algerian Group seeks partners in the field of textiles and footwear

The Algerian Group seeks partners in the field of textiles and footwear

Textile, garment and footwear group GROUPE GETEX Spa of Algeria, address: 131, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali – Sidi M’hamed, Alger, wishing to establish a partnership with Vietnamese businesses in the textile and garment sector, leather shoes.

Interested domestic enterprises, please contact:

Ms. KHELFOUNE FATEH, Research and Development Director, Media and Partners
Tél: +21321 67 92 85
Fax: +21321 67 02 28
Mobile: +213560 46 01 49

Source: Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria

3. Trade Opportunities: Japanese companies look for manufacturers of protective shoes (soft material)

Japanese companies look for manufacturers of protective shoes (soft material)

Japanese companies need to find manufacturers of protective shoes (soft materials, not safety shoes).

Vietnamese enterprises capable of producing and interested, please contact the following address:


Source: Vietnam Trade Office in Japan

4. Trade Opportunities: Algerian enterprises find suppliers of machinery and equipment for cosmetic production

Algerian enterprises find suppliers of machinery and equipment for cosmetic production

Algerian customers want to import cosmetics production machinery and raw materials for the production of cosmetics.

Interested Vietnamese enterprises can contact:
Mr. Benyouci Mohamed

Source: Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria

5. A French enterprise looking for a manufacturer of A4 paperA French enterprise looking for a manufacturer of A4 paper


The French Trade Office would like to announce that a French importer is looking for a producer of A4 paper.

Interested businesses can contact us directly to exchange information at the following email address: (in English).

Vietnam Trade Office in France

To find out more Trade Opportunities, you can click here:

For Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Weekly Vietnam Property News (14 – 21/11/2020)

Weekly Vietnam Property News -

Property News: The real estate market has recovered strongly with many positive signals

The Ministry of Construction said that despite experiencing the Covid-19 wave 2 times but based on the evaluation of macro factors as well as specific market indicators, the real estate market in the third quarter of 2020 is gradually recovering and developing.

The Ministry of Construction has just announced the report on the real estate market in the third quarter of 2020. Accordingly, the report stated that despite many difficulties, the housing sector and the real estate market in general still recorded positive points and significant indicators.

A number of solutions, mechanisms, and policies on the housing and real estate market are proposed and issued from the end of 2019 and early 2020 to take effect and take effect (such as the revised Law on Investment. 2020, the revised Construction Law 2020, Decree 25/2020 / ND-CP, a series of circulars, technical regulations and standards issued by the Ministry of Construction …).

In general, the real estate business across the country has progressed better, more vibrant, and has shown positive and positive signs. Towards the end of the year, the market shows strong signs of recovery.

Property News: Ho Chi Minh City accelerates the progress of key urban development projects

Ho Chi Minh City accelerates the progress of key urban development projects

In addition to completing and effectively exploiting many projects, the city is also trying to solve many tasks to speed up the progress of projects as planned, soon complete the urban face.

To meet the needs of modern, large-scale urban development, Ho Chi Minh City is planned and is implementing many new urban projects in the vicinity and inter-region.

In addition to completing and effectively exploiting many projects, the city is also trying to solve many tasks to speed up the progress of projects as planned, soon improve the face of the city, effectively exploit efficiency of resources as well as ensuring the rights and improving the quality of life of the people.

Property News: Many real estate projects are about to restart

Many real estate projects are about to restart

Recently, Ho Chi Minh City Real Estate Association (HoREA) said that real estate prices in Ho Chi Minh City increased unprecedentedly. Only in the first 6 months of 2020, the apartment market has set up a new price level, an average increase of 10 – 15%, in some places an increase of 30-40% compared to the same period in 2019, especially apartments in in District 2, District 9 …

The reason is said that the supply of new projects recently in Ho Chi Minh City is quite scarce because most of the projects are reviewed for a long time, while the demand for housing is still high, the need to invest in real estate HCM City real estate group of foreign investors increased sharply.

Real estate experts forecast that in the fourth quarter of 2020, the apartment market in Ho Chi Minh City will receive about 7,000 apartments.

Currently, the apartment market in Ho Chi Minh City started to increase strongly in new supply compared to the previous quarter. Many experts believe that the market in 2020 will look forward to the fourth quarter of this year when the disease is well controlled.

In fact, the real estate market in Ho Chi Minh City in recent days has started to flourish again with many launch projects open for sale at the end of the year, even the markets in the suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City are going quite exciting. activities, and also the main source of supply to the market.

In addition, a number of positive macro factors are also supporting future demand in the real estate market. Housing products will become attractive short-term investments for many groups of investors.

In fact, the real estate market in Ho Chi Minh City in recent days has started to flourish again with many launch projects open for sale at the end of the year, even in the suburbs of HCMC that are taking place. quite active, and also the main source of supply to the market.


Compiled from many sources by LOOKOFFICE

To find more about Property News in Vietnam, you can click here:

Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Friday, November 20, 2020

Weekly Vietnam Economy News (13 – 20/11, 2020)

Weekly Vietnam Economy News -

Economy News: Regional Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (RCPA) was officially signed

Regional Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (RCPA) was officially signed

On the morning of November 15, after the end of the online Summit of countries participating in the negotiation of the Regional Comprehensive Partnership Agreement, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and ASEAN leaders and partner countries witnessed the Signed this important Agreement.

The new cooperation framework of the RCEP Agreement will contribute to accelerating the process of building the ASEAN Economic Community 2025. From there, ASEAN will become a dynamic, powerful, and cooperative partner for mutual prosperity.

Economy News: Expectations to kick-start a wave of high-quality foreign investment

Expectations to kick-start a wave of high-quality foreign investment

It is forecasted that the global foreign investment capital volume will decrease by 40% this year while the number of international enterprises and investors coming to Vietnam has increased over the months from the beginning of the year up to now.

In the first 10 months of 2020, although it was quite heavily affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, Vietnam still attracted 23.48 billion USD of foreign investment capital, equaling 80.6% over the same period in 2019.

Experts say that this is a very remarkable result in the context that most countries fall into a sharp decline in investment attraction results.

International financial and economic organizations expect a wave of high-quality investment in Vietnam will be started; stemming from two sides, including seeking opportunities for investors as well as continuing to promote the prestige and attractiveness of Vietnam in the eyes of international investors.

Economy News: FDI inflows into real estate soared in Q3

FDI inflows into real estate soar in Q3

Despite the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the real estate market recorded a positive response in the third quarter of the year, reflected in the sharp increase of total FDI in this sector by 400% compared to the second quarter, according to the Ministry of Construction.

Specifically, FDI inflows into real estate increased from $ 0.264 billion in Q1 to $ 0.536 billion in Q2 and $ 2.35 billion in Q3.
Real estate experts said this is a good signal for the addition of an important source of capital for development investment in the real estate sector in particular and significantly contributing to investment in socio-economic development. associations of Vietnam in general.

Actual real estate market developments show that, after two rounds of COVID-19, most real estate businesses have gradually restarted operations.

Real estate developers have begun selling projects and announcing business plans after the pandemic, as well as recruiting workers and finding the right staff for long-term plans.

Although the market still faces many difficulties, real estate businesses and developers have taken solutions to approach customers, change development locations to catch up with the trend of FDI shifting and urbanization. localities outside the big city.

In addition, with special incentives from nature, an increasingly complete transport system, open investment policy, creating favorable conditions for domestic and foreign investors, Vietnam currently has own advantages to attract domestic and foreign real estate investors compared to other countries in the region. compared to other countries in the region in terms of attracting investment capital for the tourism sector and the segment of real estate investment in resort tourism.

The Ministry of Construction said that although it was double affected by the COVID-19 outbreak in July and the low season in the seventh month of the lunar calendar was considered an “unlucky” period, the increase in FDI On this field is a positive signal.

According to the ministry, most businesses in the real estate sector have been back to operation after two rounds of COVID-19.

They have taken measures to approach customers and even target new areas to anticipate the movement of FDI inflows and urbanization trends outside major cities.

Economy News: Foreign investors increasingly flock to the Vietnamese education sector

Foreign Investment Department of the Ministry of Planning and Investment said that as of September 20, FDI in this sector has increased by nearly 58% to 78.9 million USD.

Schools offering all levels of education from kindergarten to university attract the most FDI with about 5.28 million USD, equivalent to nearly 35% of the total new FDI in this field.


Compiled from many sources by LOOKOFFICE

To find more about guide for business and investment in Vietnam, you can click here:

Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

How To Choose From Coworking and Renting Office Space

How To Choose From Coworking and Renting Office Space

You can add an executive suite, negotiate a sublease, rent an office space during a business center downtown, or rent a part of a coworking space in your neighborhood, and that’s not even a full list of the many options for workspaces.

The Advantages of Coworking

The Advantages of Coworking
Coworking spaces, which may be found within the town or the suburbs, offer freelancers, businessmen, creative types, and sometimes small businesses the prospect to escape the isolation and monotony of working at home or in a coffee shop. A coworking space is any location where multiple people close to figuring on different projects for various companies, and that they offer a gorgeous sense of community. Space could appear as if an office, a lounge, a network of connected rooms, or simply one giant room. Amenities include access to WiFi, kitchen areas, unlimited coffee and tea, conference rooms, private offices which will be reserved for a period of your time, and furniture like desks (floating or dedicated), tables, and couches. Often, these workspaces also provide seminars with guest speakers, hour events, shared office management to the reception team, a knowledgeable voice to answer your company phone, and standard office equipment like printers.


We are far away from the age when businesses – whether an outsized corporation with multiple city offices, or a little family-owned outfit with its own floor during a local suburban office park – appeared to stay static for many years. Nowadays businesses often grow rapidly, sometimes slowly, and sadly they’ll downsize also (but there’s always hope for growth!). They also frequently re-locate or shift employees around to different locations supported company reorganization. With so much uncertainty (and possibly a limited amount of capital)especially for newer companies and startups, a coworking office space is a very enticing option. It offers the pliability to scale staff up or down as required without fear about having the appropriate-sized office. It also makes it possible to possess employees to move to different locations if needed and to even allow employees to possess a workspace closer to their own homes.

Networking Opportunities in Renting Coworking Space

Networking Opportunities in Renting Coworking Space

Possibly the foremost valuable perk of coworking is that the sense of camaraderie among the coworking community members and therefore the opportunity to network. Many coworking stations are symbiotic ecosystems, where businesses can connect with other jobs like freelancers, lawyers, clients, potential partners, and more. On a personal level, coworking offices allow small companies to possess a day-to-day social outlet beyond their team, and to determine other businesses that experience similar growth and operational challenges. Whether they’re chatting about their respective companies over a coffee within the shared kitchen space, or mixing it up at after-work networking events hosted at the space, coworking office members enjoy numerous opportunities to network in their location.

Reduced Cost through Shared Amenities

Renting an office can be very pricey. Renters need to furnish the rooms, purchase office equipment, buy utilities, and potentially cover renovation and fit-out costs. Coworking spaces with access to shared community amenities starting from office equipment to large reservable spaces for events, so you’ll focus on your business. Additionally, most landlords want tenants to sign a lease for at least three years, which can be too risky for some companies, especially startups — and extremely costly if the need to break the lease arises.
Tenants who travel and don’t always need the space may prefer the daily, weekly, or monthly payment options most coworking offices offer for his or her workspaces. Costs for coworking spaces vary greatly supported by factors like length of contract and sort of space. For example, a freelancer could rent a flexible desk (available 24/7), a dedicated desk (available during business hours), or a shared desk (a desk shared with one or more other coworkers).

Fun Environment

Coworking spaces are specifically designed to spark creativity and foster a way of community amongst members. Some coworking spaces have perks and amenities like adjoined gyms, reading rooms, pet-friendly policies, abundant snacks and coffee, colorful furniture, and interesting, beautiful decorations. Want to play ping pong during your breaks? You can probably find a coworking space that offers this. Want to possess quick access to chill downtown lunch spots and art galleries? There is probably a convenient coworking space within the area. Want to require a flash to center yourself when the day gets stressful? You may be able to find a coworking space with a meditation room.

The Advantages of Renting Office Space

The Advantages of Renting Office Space

Renting private office space offers businesses the chance to tailor the space to suit their specific needs. This could mean purchasing and arranging the perfect furniture, doing construction, playing music, or putting up banners and logos. And in most cases, renting a standard office means having the space all to themselves. In some subleasing situations, businesses will still work alongside other businesses, but subleasing still usually means having full access to many office rooms and personal offices rather than just a couple of desks.
In a coworking situation, you would possibly just have one desk to yourself and need to share conference rooms, tables, printers, and kitchens with others. When you rent office space, the entire space belongs to your company. That means you don’t need to reserve the room, worry about someone moving your furniture once you wanted it left a particular way, or put up with another company leaving dirty coffee mugs within the sink constantly. If you want to throw an impromptu office party, play music, host an event, or have visitors, you can do that, and you don’t have to ask anyone’s permission. Let’s check out some more of the pros of renting office space.


Renting your own office space means everyone within the space works for an equivalent company. Coworking presents potential struggles with physical privacy, sound privacy, and information privacy, making the idea of having a dedicated office for your business all the more attractive.



In a coworking space, you don’t ever really know exactly who else is present. Strangers might check out your offices, be within earshot while you’re on the phone with a client, or walk by your conference rooms just often enough to be disruptive. The property managers may additionally give tours to potential tenants, causing noise and activity within the halls. When your company has its own office, you don’t have to worry about these annoyances.


You can control the background level within your own company to an inexpensive degree, but if you’ve got noisy neighbors, you can’t do much about it. Or, maybe your direct reports tend to possess tons of spirited discussions which may earn you complaints from the neighbors.


Especially if you’re dealing with sensitive information—like people’s finances, social security numbers, government documents, personal backgrounds, criminal records, etc.—you may enjoy the freedom to speak in the privacy of your office rather than trying to seek out a quiet corner during a coworking space and pausing whenever someone walks by. Want to interview someone for a replacement position within your company? No problem! Just invite them to your private office without fear of fielding questions from other businesses about the newcomer. Sharing a WiFi network could also present security issues.



Couch-surfing can be fun when you’re starting out in life, but as you mature and accumulate stuff, you usually want a stable, private home to live in. It’s pretty much the same for a business. When startups are growing and finding their identities, the flexibility of coworking can be a big advantage. But as your business becomes skilled, the prospect of a stable office space to call your company’s home for subsequent three, five, or even 10 years (and possibly longer if all goes well) becomes much more desirable. As you agree to your office home, you not got to stress about moving costs and arrangements and scouting new locations. What a relief!

Reduced Cost

Wait a minute, you say. I thought renting traditional space costs quite coworking! Well, in most cases that’s true. However, as your company grows to more than a half dozen employees, you may find that it makes more sense financially to rent your own space.


When you rent your own space, you’ll put your company logo on the sign above the door, on the window, and within the street outside. When you interview a possible employee or invite a business partner to go to, he or she is going to enter an area that reflects your company values, culture, and community. The environment won’t be injected with the values and cultures of the coworking company and the other tenants. Do you want customers entering your office to feel secure and comfortable? You can control the thermostat, background level, creative decorations, the kinds of events held there, and music choices — the sky’s the limit. Also, renting your own space means your business is often listed on Google Maps, making it easier for patrons to seek out where you’re located.

To find out more about the Know-how to lease/rent an office, you can click here:

Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Importance of The Good Infrastructure at The Workplace

Importance of The Good Infrastructure at The Workplace

Professional success starts from its workplace. The calm and peaceful providing infrastructure helps in dealing with stressed and complicated decision-making process of any issues easier and fast. The workplace should have a correct workspace for everybody implicated from the topmost position to the last cleaning staff.

Reasons for having good infrastructure in the workplace:

Reasons for having good infrastructure in the workplace:
The prime objective of any organization management is to supply the simplest of infrastructure due to the subsequent among other reasons:

Infrastructure to retain valuable employees to figure without stress:

The most part of the employees’ daytime is spent in the workplace. This is not a one-day work but for years together. Hence it’s pertinent to take care of an honest workspace with proper infrastructure to retain the simplest of the workers for a lifetime.

Creative office space to spice up the creativity of employees:

Creative office space to spice up the creativity of employees:
Size is vital but even limited workspaces might be made into creative workspaces with innovative and imaginary ideas. Anything pleasant will always make any mood change for the better. Hence to spice up the creativity of the workers the subsequent are simple Creative Office Space ideas for idle workspace.

· Provide enough space for free mobility:

A lot of creators or a minimum of creativity happens when one is mobile instead of sitting on a chair. Also for health reasons for workers to figure hard with healthiness , it’s necessary that they walk once in an hour of sitting before their screens. Move fast with stable infrastructure should be base of the office infrastructure.

· Feel at home in the office:

Infrastructure in the office should possess proper lighting as per the necessity of the character of labor. This could provide a lucid ambiance alongside safeguarding the eyes of the workers for the betterment of labor. The views outside of the office should be made visible with the right sort of windows. They should also provide the necessary ventilation and natural light in the office. Generally, the office should give the comfort of home with its creative workspace.

Media Style Office SpaceMedia style office space:

Media Style Office SpaceMedia style office space:
This new sort of Media Style Office Space seems like that of an office of a media company with integrated furniture. This is to facilitate the work of the workers to attach, collaborate, correlate, debate, and discuss seamlessly in meetings or for project work with ease and luxury. Most of the furniture and other accessories are fixed and just some are mobile and adapt themselves to any desk.

To find out more Office administration tips, you can click here:

For Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Complete Guide to Company Registration in Vietnam

Complete Guide to Company Registration in Vietnam

Company registration in Vietnam isn’t particularly complicated. However, there are specific guidelines that you, as foreign investors, must know.

Overview of legal entities in Vietnam’s Company Registration

Overview of legal entities in Vietnam's Company Registration

The two commonest sorts of legal entities in Vietnam are:

  • Limited liability company (LLC)
  • Joint-stock company (JSC).

An LLC can have 1 to 50 members, also referred to as founders or owners. Note that LLCs in Vietnam don’t have shareholders. On the opposite hand, a JSC must have a minimum of three shareholders. there’s no limit to the number of shareholders a JSC can have.

Requirements for fixing a corporation’s Company Registration in Vietnam

Requirements for fixing a corporation's Company Registration in Vietnam

#1 Foreign ownership regulations in Vietnam

Vietnam allows 100% foreign’s ownership of a business in most industries. These include trading, IT, manufacturing, and education. However, some industries restrict foreign ownership. samples of these include advertising, logistics, and tourism. In such cases, foreign investors will need a Vietnamese venture partner.

World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements regulate foreign ownership for many business lines. However, there are some that not regulated by WTO agreements nor local laws. In such cases, you’ll need approval from the ministry involved therein industry.

#2 Minimum capital requirement

There are not any minimum capital requirements in Vietnam for many business lines. However, it must be enough to hide expenses until the business becomes self-sustaining.

The Department of Design and Investment will assess if your capital contribution is in line together with your business. tons of companies set capital of USD 10,000. However, from our experience, it’s possible to open a business service company with USD 3,000.

Note that there are some business lines with minimum requirements of capital. These include:

  • Language centers
  • Vocational schools
  • Real estate companies
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Finance and Fin-tech

Note that your capital should exceed setup and equipment costs. Note that your Business Certificate will state the quantity of your capital. Changing this may require amending your company’s documents.

#3 Registered address

You must have an address to include a corporation in Vietnam. Service-based businesses, like advice company, can use a virtual office address. However, some business lines must have a location or office. These include manufacturing, retail trading, among others.

The Department of Design and Investment may check the address during the incorporation process. you’ll submit documents to function proof of your address. It must say that you simply will use the situation for your business after incorporation.

#4 Resident director

All companies in Vietnam must have a minimum of one resident director. He or she doesn’t get to have residency status at the time of incorporation. However, they’re going to need a residential address in Vietnam.

Note that if the director is additionally a founder, he or she is going to not need a piece permit. Instead, he or she is going to need to apply for a piece permit exemption. A director who may be a foreign national and not a founding father of the corporate will need a piece permit in Vietnam.

The step-by-step process of company registration in Vietnam

The step-by-step process of company registration in Vietnam

The procedure below details the method of registering a far off LLC in Vietnam.

#1 Investment registration certificate

When registering a foreign-owned company in Vietnam, you would like an investment registration certificate. The Department of Design and Investment issues this certificate. it always takes a few months to receive the certificate.

However, if no WTO agreements or local laws regulate foreign ownership therein line, it’ll take longer to urge the certificate. Your business will need Ministerial approval from one or more ministries.

#2 Business registration certificate

Companies in Vietnam must also get a business registration certificate (BRC). The Department of Design and Investment also issues this certificate. The BRC is additionally referred to as the Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC).

#3 Tax registration and payment of the business licensing fee

The business license certificate number is additionally the company’s tax number. All companies must pay taxes through a web system. Companies also submit tax declarations and reports through this technique. to realize access to the present system, businesses must get an electronic signature.

Emerhub can assist within the process to realize access to the present system and maintain compliance with tax regulations.

#4 Capital contribution

After receiving the BRC, you’ve got 90 days to form the capital contribution. Failure to try to so will end in fines.

#5 Apply for sublicenses or permits, if applicable

Company registration in Vietnam usually takes about one month. However, counting on the line, some companies got to apply for sublicenses. In such cases, the registration process is going to be longer.

Such samples of business lines that require sublicenses include:

  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Recruitment
  • Lodging
  • Trading of special products or services

Certain businesses got to process additional permits. for instance, companies that will engage in the sale or distribution of cosmetics must register their products. this will take anywhere from a few weeks to many months.

Aside from company registration, Emerhub also will look out for sublicenses or permits you would like. we’ll also assist in completing any procedures necessary.

Corporate compliance in Vietnam’s Company Registration

Corporate compliance in Vietnam's Company Registration

Company Registration is Corporate compliance in Vietnam involves the following:

  • Accounting and tax reporting. This includes corporate tax, VAT, and private tax.
  • Payment of the annual business licensing fee. Companies must pay this starting in their second year of business.
  • Audited annual report. An independent Vietnamese auditing company must review your financial statements at the top of every financial year.
  • Foreign investment reports. The report must include profits, losses, and expenses every year.
  • Compliance with employment laws. These include registering employees with social welfare. you furthermore may got to confirm that each one foreign employees have the required permits to figure in Vietnam.

Setting up a special purpose vehicle in Vietnam

Setting up a special purpose vehicle in Vietnam

In some cases, foreign investors cannot found out a business thanks to foreign ownership restrictions. Some partner up with an area nominee so as to proceed with their intended business plans.

Some foreign investors use nominee companies to dodge restrictions in certain industries. However, the Vietnamese government is cracking down on nominee companies. the govt will impose heavier sanctions on nominee companies with the new Investment Law. it’ll inherit effect in January 2021.

A safer alternative is to conduct business through a special purpose vehicle. it’ll allow you to guard and maintain control over your investment without fixing a corporation in Vietnam. Get in-tuned with us by filling out the shape below. Our consultants will tell you more about this structure.

Alternatives to Company Registration in Vietnam

Alternatives to Company Registration

In some cases, Company Registration is not necessary to line up a corporation in Vietnam. There are other ways to enter the Vietnamese market.

Representative Office in Vietnam

Representative offices in Vietnam can act on behalf of a far off parent company. A representative office cannot generate income locally, but it can perform tasks in support of the parent company. It’s how to enter the Vietnamese market without incorporating a corporation.

Read Opening a Representative Office in Vietnam to find out more about this business structure.

Employer of Record in Vietnam

With an employer of record in Vietnam, you’ll hire employees without establishing a corporation or representative office. As your employer of record, we’ll put your employees on our payroll. we’ll also look out for maintaining compliance with local employment laws. Emerhub also can assist you in sourcing and recruiting candidates in Vietnam.

Importer of Record in Vietnam

Before you’ll import goods into Vietnam, you’ll need certain certificates and licenses. Waiting to urge these documents before importing your goods will delay business operations. you’ll start importing goods into Vietnam immediately through an importer of record.

To find more about guide for business and investment in Vietnam, you can click here:

Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, November 16, 2020

Weekly Trade Opportunities (09 – 15/11/2020)

Weekly Trade Opportunities -

Here are some of the Trade Opportunities collected over last week (09 – 15/11/2020)

1. Find wheelchair manufacturers for the disabled

Office of orthopedic machinery (Cabinet d’appareillage orthopédique)
Address: 5 rue Tachouft Slimane (ex rue des villas) Sidi M’Hamed Alger à Côté Imprimerie Officielle

Need to find manufacturers and exporters of wheelchairs, chairs, and products for the disabled. Search to buy: Wheelchair, wheelchair, products for the disabled

Contact: Mr Hadjene Mokrane and Mr Rachid Djezairi,
Tel: 213023515502; Mobile: 213551134895; 213771164099

Note: The client requires a transaction with a company specializing in the manufacture of a wheelchair and uses the French language.

Source: Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria

2. British business find manufacturers of envelopes and paper packaging

British business find manufacturers of envelopes and paper packaging

British business finds manufacturers of envelopes and paper packaging.

Vietnamese enterprises interested, contact:

Contact: Mr. Kurt Mitchell
T 44 (0) 1935 477555
Sourcing and Innovations Manager

Source: Vietnam Trade Office in the UK

3. Importing company Pago car tires Egypt seeks partners in Vietnam

Importer Pago Egypt is looking for partners to provide tires, batteries, and lubricants in Vietnam

Importer Pago Egypt is currently looking for a Vietnamese partner who can supply automobile tires for the military (first batch of sizes 1000/20-L, 700/16-Q, and 650/16 -Q).

Competent Vietnamese enterprises should request to contact Pago Company directly (contact information below) or with the Vietnam Trade Office in Egypt for more details.

Pago Company Trade & Supply
CEO & Founder: Gen. Ashraf el Pagoury
Mobile / Whapsapp: +20 100 050 0224

Source: Vietnam Trade Office in Egypt

4. UK enterprises find detailed manufacturers of mechanical spare parts

UK enterprises find detailed manufacturers of mechanical spare parts.

UK enterprises find detailed manufacturers of mechanical spare parts

Vietnamese enterprises are able to provide, contact:

Contact: Mr. Avril McNeil
PRINCE2® Practitioner
Automotive Strategic Support
TR Fastenings – North East Division
Office Tel: +44 (0) 1325 300888
Direct Tel: +44 (0) 1325 372934
Fax: +44 (0) 1325 300803
Skype: Avril McNeil
TR Fastenings Angels Close, Aycliffe Ind Park
Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 6BG

Source: Vietnam Trade Office in the UK

5. Japanese companies find manufacturers of bags (backpack) used for swimming classes

Japanese companies find manufacturers of bags (backpack) used for swimming classes

Japanese companies need to find Vietnamese enterprises that can produce and supply 4200 / PVC polyester bags (backpacks) for students to bring to swimming classes (see attached photo). . Annual demand ranges from 300-1000 products per class.

Enterprises capable of providing the above items, please contact:

(Note: exchange only in Japanese)

電話: + 81-3-3977-6632 FAX: + 81-3-3977-5033

Source: Vietnam Trade Office in Japan

6. Russian businesses looking for specialized shoe manufacturers

The company “Siberian Wholesale Company” LLC specializes in the sale of large-displacement motorcycles and wants to find Vietnamese manufacturers for specialized motorcycle shoes.

The factory is capable of producing and exporting the above types of shoes, directly contacting:

Mr. Aleksandr Elizov – Deputy Director of the Company –
tel: +79148784225

Source:  Trade Branch of Vietnam in the Far East, Russia

To find out more Trade Opportunities, you can click here:

For Foreign companies want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News